Ubuntu is now worried about profits

Manish Sinha manishsinha.tech at gmail.com
Sun Apr 25 21:01:42 BST 2010

On 4/26/2010 1:15 AM, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> What gazillion questions? I doubt if you can automate "name",
> "password", or "time zone". For almost everything else, including
> partitioning, the defaults can be used. What am I missing?

Read the whole thread again.

I still remember one of my friend gave me Fedora 6(or older) ISO long 
back. I went to install it(using text installaer).
The number of questions asked were just too much for me, esp that time 
when I was not very much comfortable with using installers.

These are the gazillion questions I was referring to.
I am glad most of the famous distros have got over those questionnaire.

I never asked to automate name, password etc. I just said the current 
customization options in Ubuntu is fine. We don't need "which extra 
packages you want to install". "Do you want to install a SSH server" and 
other questions.
The partitioning section has improved in last 3-4 releases. Now my young 
brother long longer fears installing it himself.

Manish Sinha

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