Hello Sounder!

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sun Sep 27 19:42:17 BST 2009

2009/9/27 Pookito <pookito at gmail.com>:

> Sometimes  some users want to have an option of running
> windows.  Linux users can do that by using a virtual
> machine.  Try Virtual Box.  If you really need to use
> Windows OS try it, and you can always use Microsoft OS
> inside of your Linux OS.

VirtualBox is good for Linux, Windows or Solaris. Any other OS is not
really supported and the product itself is rather shoddy. But it'll
do. I would NOT use it professionally, but it's fine for home use.

With any virtualisation, the main thing is enough memory. Lots and
lots of memory. As much memory as you can fit into your system.

- d.

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