
Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Sep 16 12:57:51 BST 2009

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Michael Haney <thezorch at> wrote:

> My friend's experience running X Windows apps under Mac OS X is that
> even with fast hardware the software runs sluggishly.  Open Office
> would indeed run but he constantly complained about it being sluggish
> and slow to respond sometimes.  I tried it out and he was right.  You
> CAN run some Linux software on the Mac but they don't run smoothly.
> Also, the software has to be recompiled in the Elf binary format that
> the Mac users.  It won't run native Linux binary format applications
> even with the X Server component.

True, you do need to recompile to Mac format. An X server is not a
Linux emulator!

But it depends on the app. Frankly, OpenOffice /is/ a bit sluggish, on
all platforms. It's not an artefact of OS X, X.11 or anything else.
Yes, as you point out, there is a native port now - and before that,
there was NeoOffice/J with a native Java GUI - but they're still
sluggish too.

Fast apps are pretty fast, even under Apple's Aqua X.11 server.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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