cutting up a post

Derek Broughton derek at
Tue Oct 27 15:42:43 GMT 2009

> Douglas Pollard wrote:
>> IF anyone cares to go back and look I stated that what I wrote was a not
>> a legal argument. Here again you took out and posted a small part of my
>> statesmen that had no meaning without the rest of the statement. It is
>> out of context.  I see you as one the cannot make an argument so instead
>> seeks to distort anthers.  You call my arguments silly, look at your
>> statement, "Get a lawyer and sue". WoW!  This also out of context, do
>> you see what I mean.

You completely miss the point (and yes, one line of your post was 
intentionally taken out of context).  You have no _right_, legal or 
otherwise, to object to us trimming and responding to individual points. 
Whether or not you considered it a legal argument, you raised copyright 
issues, and I pointed out that copyright law does not give you complete 
control of how we use your posts, nor does it give you any right to object 
to "fair use".

Not being a botanist, I have no idea how difficult it is to distort anthers, 
but I assure you I have no interest in it.

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