FCC and the internet

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at verizon.net
Sat Oct 24 14:12:20 BST 2009

Siggy Brentrup wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 20:49 -0400, Douglas Pollard wrote:
>> Robert Holtzman wrote:
> [snip]
>>> Maybe we should pay the Germans to rework our inner city gangs. 
>>> Remember, arbeit mach frei.
> Robert, you're unfair.  Nowadays there is only a minority of Nazis
> over here and we are actively fighting this pest.
> As far as Douglas is concerned, who opened this thread:  I and most
> of the people I ever talked about that matter am glad your side lost
> the last presidential elections,  this gives human rights a new chance
> in the U.S. of A, remember Benjamin Franklin: "Those who trade freedom
> for security don't deserve either"?
> Please don't carry local US politics to international lists.
>   Siggy

Thank You Siggy, We may not agree on politics, but I like your style.  
You make a good argument instead of name calling and cursing another who 
sees things from another point of view.   I just don't understand the 
Democrates who won the election and are so mad about something they 
can't argue their point of view without name calling. I had not thought 
about this being an international list and it is an inapropriate place 
to carry on local politics and especially to use other countries as 
examples.  I will drop the whole subject and not respond to any moe 
posts on this thread.  If I want to argue American politics I will find  
a more appropriate place to do it.

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