FCC and the internet
Steve Furbish
sfurbish at nerdshack.com
Thu Oct 22 15:17:10 BST 2009
Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Oct 2009 11:30:27 -0400
> Douglas Pollard <dougpol1 at verizon.net> wrote:
>> I would like for such a person to cite me an example of when in
>> the last several thousand years a government has held back on
>> controlling it's population by any means available.
> We in the states established prohibition and later repealed it. The
> draft is a thing of the past. Black people (and even women!) have the
> right to vote now. So do people who own no land.
> I'm sure there are lots more examples (we don't have debtor's prison, do
> we?), but I think that's enough to show what utter tripe you are
> spewing.
> Cybe R. Wizard
Hate crime enhancements at sentencing, land grabs by eminent domain,
affirmative action programs, reparations for the alleged misdeeds of
ancestors long since dead, and soon government mandated health
insurance. All things that add to government control. After 200 + years
of existence one would think there might be very little left for
legislators to legislate, but that is obviously not the case. The US
government looks out for itself and swells like a bloated pig with each
new administration. Government control, in the form of net neutrality
regulation, may be a very good thing if properly implemented, but blind
trust that it would be fairly and openly administered by an agency like
the FCC and not just used as another means to access power and control
seems potentially naive.
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