Kiosk mode & distributing proprietary add-ins

David Gerard dgerard at
Sun Mar 29 20:21:07 BST 2009

2009/3/29 Liam Proven <lproven at>:

> Let's put it this way. If one were making & selling PCs, and one
> wanted to offer them preloaded with Ubuntu.
> AFAIK & AIUI, as Ubuntu is Free, one can install it on the PC and sell
> the PC, no issues, no payment or anything required. No rebranding or
> anything.
> *But*... what if before despatch one added the "universe" repository & did
> apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
> Would that still be OK?
> And if one then added the Medibuntu repos & also installed w32codecs,
> libdvddecss, msttfonts, skype, adobereader
> (or whatever the relevant package names are - the most common useful
> proprietary add-ons, those which are freely available from the online
> repos.) Nothing, in other words, that any Ubuntu user can't just add
> themselves without licences, payment, EULAs or anything else.
> Still kosher?

This question would also apply to a paid geek installing Ubuntu for
someone else.

- d.

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