A couple of rants about Launchpad

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Thu Mar 12 05:58:13 GMT 2009

Op woensdag 11-03-2009 om 21:58 uur [tijdzone +0800], schreef Chan Chung
Hang Christopher:
> I have been on the opensolaris channel and you get to meet Sun
> engineers there. I thought things might be similar with Ubuntu.

The difference is that there are more Ubuntu users than Ubuntu
engineers...   ;-)

No, seriously, you can't expect "Ubuntu engineers" to answer all
questions there.

Personally, I think a problem with some Ubuntu support channels is that
there is no easy way to see who's talking bullshit and who's
knowledgable, especially if you don't know much about linux/Ubuntu yet.

And I don't know how to fix that...

Jan Claeys

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