This place sure goes in "spurts"

Samuel Thurston, III sam.thurston at
Mon Jul 20 16:30:04 BST 2009

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Harold Sawyer<hrsawyer at> wrote:
> I, being a conservative Christian and not an Obama fan, am trying to
> see how the last few comments in this thread relate to Ubuntu sounder.

Because Obama's the "open source president" right?... and he's African
right? Ubuntu too! See, it all relates!

seriously Sounder exists because most of us here can't stay on topic
in the mainstream ubuntu lists.  When someone goes offtopic in
ubuntu-users, "take it to sounder" comes the cry.  This is the corner
we're sent to for not following the rules in the other lists.

And to clarify my previous comments I'm surely not pro-Obama, I
distrust my government like all good citizens should, regardless of
which party holds the power, and I share your optimism that the world
gets better through ground-level effort, not top-down policy making.
I think that specifying yourself as party-affiliated puts you in a
group separate from "all of us" which is what Ubuntu is all about...
all of us have something to contribute.

Even if it's just invoking Godwin... *points at liam*

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