Sounder mailing list etiquette and future direction

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Dec 18 20:28:48 GMT 2009

On 12/04/2009 04:08 PM, Amedee Van Gasse (ub) wrote:
> Being an ignost myself, I consider your atheism as some kind of
> anti-religion and therefor some kind of religion on itself. Why? Because
> religion is all about certain questions. Religious people claim that they
> know the answer and it is yes; atheists like you claim that they know the
> answer and it is no; agnosts don't know the answer but still claim to know
> what the question is; and ignosts just say "what the frak are you guys all
> talking about?" Ignosts aren't so presumptuous to claim that they can
> formulate the right questions (or answers!) when talking about concepts
> that, by definition, are not definable by human language.
> In other words, colorless green ideas sleep furiously...

Dang, I need to get a new dict Amedee :-)

$ dict ignost
No definitions found for "ignost"
$ dict ignostic
No definitions found for "ignostic", perhaps you mean:
gcide:  Gnostic  Agnostic
$ dict ignosticism
No definitions found for "ignosticism", perhaps you mean:
gcide:  Gnosticism  Agnosticism
wn:  Gnosticism  agnosticism
moby-thes:  agnosticism

I'll head on over to launchpad & file a bug :-)

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