[Fwd: Re: [Bug 495391] [NEW] Not clear if CoC applies only to official Ubuntu Members or also to community in general]

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Wed Dec 16 10:07:25 GMT 2009

On Wed, December 16, 2009 03:10, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:

> Actually I have questioned the CoC as applying to /anyone/, not just
> me, from the /wording of the COC/, itself.

You should add that to the bug report.

> However, these two documents, one of which is necessary to the
> full understanding of the other, are /not/ linked from the sign-up page
> for the mailing list /at all/.  It is hard for me to understand how
> anyone may be held responsible for aligning their conduct with two
> separate documents /to which no reference exists/ on the page where one
> signs up for that same mailing list.

You should add that to the bug report.

> In addition, if the CoC is, "inferred from mailing list... guidelines,"
> it would be quite nice if those guidelines were at least linked from the
> sign-up page, even if the page does not hold a signing /requirement/.
> A link to the CoC would be nice, too, if we hope that users will use it
> to guide their use.

You should add that to the bug report.

> As it is there is not the slightest indication on the sign-up page that
> there even /exists/ a mailing list guideline page, much less a Code of
> Conduct.

You should add that to the bug report.

The proper procedure for getting things fixed that are wrong or
incomplete, is to create a bug report on Launchpad and add all relevant
Keep the bug report up-to-date until the problem is fixed, either by you
accepting the current state of things, or by a change of the

If the bug report comes to a certain resolution and you do not agree, and
you have good arguments to disagree, then it is your moral duty to add
your objections to the bug report.

If you do not respond to a certain resolution, it is considered as your
agreement with the solution.

I have made one big mistake: I created the bug report for you. You should
have done it yourself. Why didn't you? At least you could have subscribed
to the bug report. By not subscribing, you show a lack of interest.

I don't want to be rude, but all this talk on the mailing lists isn't
productive. If you don't do what you are supposed to do to fix a problem,
then you have no reason to complain.

For the record, Cybe, your arguments are purely semantical, and in that
context I think that you are right. However semantics isn't everything,
and when people drag out their dictionary like you do, it usually means
that they ran out of other good arguments. If you continue this on the
lists without a constructive contribution to the bug report, I will see
that as a sign of bad faith.

Kind regards,

Amedee Van Gasse
(not feeling comfortable discussing non-technical stuff in a foreign

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