That Code of Conduct

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at
Sat Dec 5 00:26:46 GMT 2009

On Sat, December 5, 2009 01:09, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Dec 2009 00:55:54 +0100 (CET)
> "Amedee Van Gasse (ub)" <amedee-ubuntu at> wrote:
>> As soon as you actively participate in one of the mailing lists, you
>> are no longer a muggle or a simple user. You have then become a
>> member of the community and the CoC applies to you. Or me. And I'm
>> not a dev either.
> Nowhere does the CoC make that assumption, nor do I think that it is
> valid.  One may live for years in a neighborhood and yet not be part of
> the community, even if one /does/ communicate with others about him.
> In fact, there is a local fellow who none in our community would claim
> and who /does/ participate in local talk but does /not/ belong.  He's a
> renter, donchaknow.

Have you ever answered a technical question that was asked by some new
user? Ever? Even the simplest question?
If your answer is yes, then you are (or have been) an active member of the
Ubuntu community.

>> If you don't want to follow the CoC, you aren't obliged to actively
>> participate in the mailing lists.
> Ah, but you aren't obliged to /not/ participate, either.  I know I've
> seen Winduhs users here who have no intention of switching.
>> Anyway, the CoC is More Like Guidelines Than Actual Rules.
>> Arrrrr... ;-)
> 'At's right, Matey!  Arrrr!
>> There is no such thing as an official membership card of the Ubuntu
>> community.
> An eddress wouldn't do it?  I would think it does.

if I take that to the extreme, anyone who doesn't post with an
address is allowed to be as disruptive as (s)he wants. I am intentionally
taking your words out of context. My goal is that you reply and explain in
more detail what you mean.


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