DeviceGuru's Open letter to Mark Shuttleworth

David Gerard dgerard at
Tue Jan 29 14:01:57 GMT 2008

On 29/01/2008, Colin Watson <cjwatson at> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 02:01:29PM +0000, David Gerard wrote:

> > An impoortant distinction between the variants is that it's only the
> > official Ubuntu GNOME version that is supported by Canonical,

> For the record, Canonical also provides commercial support for Kubuntu,
> Ubuntu servers, and Ubuntu thin clients. (The provision of long-term
> support for 8.04, much-discussed of late, is not the same as standard
> support for six-monthly releases.)
> Note that I am not a member of the Canonical support team, so of course
> you should talk with them if you want to buy support, not me! They will
> be able to answer more detailed questions about the levels of commercial
> support that are provided.

Good to hear :-) I thought otherwise from a couple of years ago, when
I whinged on my blog about the utterly broken situation of Linux sound
(five, or was it six different sound architectures, all almost but not
quite API-compatible?) and how the example of Kubuntu made it seem to
me that Dapper Drake had no hope of being technophone-usable out of
the box by April 2006. Matthew Garrett pointed out, in his inimitable
fashion, that Canonical had limited resources and was concentrating
them on getting the GNOME version up to polish. Which is of course
quite sensible. I'm glad to hear there is paid work on Kubuntu now.

- d.

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