Ubuntu usability test

Brian Fahrlander wheeldweller at gmail.com
Wed Dec 31 16:11:04 GMT 2008

Liam Proven wrote:
> Er, no. XP Home is just XP Pro with a bunch of features disabled
> (local policy editor, admin account, multiprocessor support, domain
> connectivity, stuff like that.) They are the same product; XP Pro just
> has more features turned on.
> There is no difference in their device handling.
    Well, I saw it with my own eyes- repeatedly, whatever the reason. I 
was told the difference was between Pro and Home, but it could also have 
been service packs. The key here is, it should never have happened: the 
devices were only designed to work in Windows, not Linux.  In Linux, 
this kinda thing would be expected.
> Now, I could credit there might be differences in device handling
> between different service pack releases, but not between Home and Pro.
> In which case, all you're doing is propagating FUD, and that is never
> helpful, so I suggest you don't.
    Nah, I just don't care about Microsoft anymore.  The 
newly-discovered botnet (Ruskov?) mining for user's data [just for the 
last decade or so!], all the Zunes locking up today...anyone who buys 
it, deserves it.  I'm tired of trying to argue against something that's 
obviously a mass hysteria.

 Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
 Evansville, IN                               http://CounterMoon.org/bio
 ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller

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