Could one buy official Ubuntu disks at cost?

Conrad Knauer atheoi at
Wed May 16 09:14:50 BST 2007

Just the other day I got my shipment of Feisty disks (yay! :) but
sadly, of the 200 I had requested (they are *very* popular at my local
LUG meetings), only 25 were approved.  This contrasts with 60/100 for
Dapper and 100/100 for Breezy.

Does anyone know of a way to buy official Ubuntu disks at cost?  I
would be more than willing to reimburse Canonical for the spiffy
official disks in their professionally printed sleeves (and the little
cardboard stands :) in order to get some good Linux evangelism in ;)

If this isn't an option right now, does it sound like a good one?


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