Firefox Dilemma

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Thu Mar 8 05:46:01 GMT 2007

"Joel Bryan Juliano" <joelbryan.juliano at> wrote:
> In the wikipedia article for default says.
> "A default, in computer science, refers to a setting or value
> automatically assigned to a computer program or device, outside of
> user intervention. " -
> And for alot of Linux distributions, that is the case, and Firefox
> _is_ the default web-browser preset without user-intervention, so it
> is called default.

Hmmm, I never said otherwise... what's your point ? :o)
The point I corrected was about Gnome's browser being Epiphany, not FF,
as the OP appeared a little confused to me. I wasn't talking about
distributions defaults, which don't stick to Gnome's official

Never mind, there isn't enough material there to prolong this thread
I think ;-)


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