Mr. Shuttleworth gets quote mined (and probably should blog to clear this up)

W. Scott Lockwood III scott at
Thu Jun 21 02:39:24 BST 2007

Particularly since someone (Derek?) complained that the other list wasn’t a place for that kind of general chat, but said that sounder was…. And is now complaining about it. On Sounder. J


From: sounder-bounces at [mailto:sounder-bounces at] On Behalf Of Michael T. Richter
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 8:35 AM
To: Ubuntu Sounder
Subject: Re: Mr. Shuttleworth gets quote mined (and probably should blog to clear this up)


On Tue, 2007-19-06 at 21:35 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote: 

I swear, I'm going to just create a rule to bounce emails regarding Ubuntu. 
This doesn't happen on any other lists I read, but it happens on all three
Ubuntu lists.

The problem is that the Ubuntu lists are inconsistent from one to the other.  On some the reply address is the list.  On others it's not.  Since there's no consistency, it's easier to just click "reply to all" and let the dice fall where they may.  Were there some consistency across lists here, a lot of this would sort itself out.

Michael T. Richter <ttmrichter at> (GoogleTalk: ttmrichter at
Our outrage at China notwithstanding, we should remember that before 1891 the copyrights of foreigners were not protected in the United States. (Lawrence Lessig) 


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