Searching Ubuntu website

Frank Kusel frankk at
Wed Jan 31 06:37:39 GMT 2007

Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-01-30 at 20:41 +0000, David M wrote:
>> So, I thought, I'll just head over to and search for
>> 'Flash'.
>> No relevant results, no joy. :-(
>> Many newbies would even give up at that point, I fear.
>> I'll persevere.. 
> I guess you are making a valid point in general, however it is always a
> bad idea to _assume_ what a newbie would be doing. If you want to learn
> about their behavior in order to improve the software for their needs it
> is always better to _observe_ them. Who knows a newbie might have opened
> System -> Help -> System Documentation and searched for "flash" which
> would have brought her to the concise explanation of who to get it to
> work. Or she might have chosen to go to System -> Help -> Online
> Documentation -> Internet Browsing, and again found a concise
> explanation.
> Ubuntu newbies who otherwise are not computer newbies anymore might
> behave as you described and head to straight away, but surely
> not all. I haven't observed real computer beginners myself, but I _hope_
> they have the sense to look into "Help"

I don't consider myself a newbie (been using Ubuntu since 5.04), but I 
have exactly the same experience as David. It always takes me a while to 
find the right place to look for help.


Frank Küsel
ANSYS Integrated Systems

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