preseed/kickstart, network authentication

Alex Mauer hawke at
Mon Feb 12 18:13:58 GMT 2007

This past weekend I was playing with Ubuntu's options for an automated
network install (preseed and kickstart).  While the installation went
very smoothly, I ran into a problem afterwards.  In a nutshell, the
problem is the lack of support for automatically enabling network
authentication such as kerberos and LDAP.

However, this problem is really not specific to automated network
installs; it is also a problem for manual installs: setting up the
client side of distributed authentication systems is a big pain in the
butt.  This is compounded by the fact that support in packages for
enabling and configuring PAM (and nsswitch) is pretty much non-existent.
 Even hand-editing the pam configuration tends to produce a
configuration that is rather brittle.

Is anybody out there working on this problem?  If so, is there anything
I can do to help?  How do other distributions handle this?
(redhat/fedora and OpenSUSE being the best in this respect as far as I
am aware)

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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