Anarchism FAQ?! WTF?...

Florian Diesch diesch at
Sun Feb 11 21:10:21 GMT 2007

"Michael T. Richter" <ttmrichter at> wrote:

> 2.  You're missing the point of my original WTF?! response: why is only
> anarchism (and the Bible, it turns out) represented in the repositories?  And

,----[ ~/bin/pkgdesc perspic-texts ]
| Package: perspic-texts
| Description: Some pre-indexed texts for perspic
|  The examples provided here include selections from the world's
|  sacred literature, including the King James Bible, several
|  translations of the Holy Quran, the Bhaghavad-Gita, selected
|  Buddhist Sutras, and selections from the Baha'i Writings.  A
|  thesaurus is also provided, as well as an Arabic-English
|  inter-linear Quran in the encoding processed by ArabTeX.
|  Hopefully perspic might evolve into a tool fit for the study
|  of translations.


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