Ubuntu is for everyone, not only for newbies (was: Delay auto-updates of software to reduce downtime)

Alexander Jacob Tsykin stsykin at gmail.com
Fri Sep 22 13:12:43 BST 2006

On Friday 22 September 2006 21:41, Jan Claeys wrote:
> Op vr, 22-09-2006 te 21:25 +1000, schreef Alexander Jacob Tsykin:
> > Ultimately, somebody with Linux expertise is not really going to need
> > what Ubuntu offers in terms of ease of use features. If we think about
> > it for a minute, for those people, Ubuntu offers nothing over Debian.
> So why do lots of linux server admins that I know use Ubuntu, at least
> on their desktops and/or laptops?
> Do they need Ubuntu?  No.
> Do they need Debian?  No.
> They could do a LFS install, if they had to.
> They use it because it's very useful for them:
>       * no time lost with the manual configuration of everything, it
>         mostly works OOTB
>       * reasonably recent program versions, without the possible
>         problems (and thus needed precautions) of running a development
>         version of a distro
>       * they still get all the *power* of Debian
> Ubuntu has lots to offer to people with linux expertise!
fair enough, but they are using features which are merely useful to them as 
opposed to essential to newbies. Until edgy, gcc wasn't even included by 
default! I'm not saying that Ubuntu doesn't appeal to experts, just that it 
doesn't do so uniquely in my opinion. It happens to do a number of things 
well, but the really remarkable one is the ease of use, which is something 
which is clearly most important for people either new to linux or with little 
computer knowledge at all.

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