Ubuntu is for everyone, not only for newbies (was: Delay auto-updates of software to reduce downtime)

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Fri Sep 22 12:41:36 BST 2006

Op vr, 22-09-2006 te 21:25 +1000, schreef Alexander Jacob Tsykin:
> Ultimately, somebody with Linux expertise is not really going to need
> what Ubuntu offers in terms of ease of use features. If we think about
> it for a minute, for those people, Ubuntu offers nothing over Debian. 

So why do lots of linux server admins that I know use Ubuntu, at least
on their desktops and/or laptops?

Do they need Ubuntu?  No.
Do they need Debian?  No.
They could do a LFS install, if they had to.

They use it because it's very useful for them:
      * no time lost with the manual configuration of everything, it
        mostly works OOTB
      * reasonably recent program versions, without the possible
        problems (and thus needed precautions) of running a development
        version of a distro
      * they still get all the *power* of Debian

Ubuntu has lots to offer to people with linux expertise!

Jan Claeys

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