gmail problem - test message

Jan Vancura jenda at
Fri Nov 17 07:13:20 GMT 2006

Hash: SHA1

Jan Vancura wrote:
> Mike wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>>> If you find a fix, please post it here. I'm having the same issue, but have 
>>>>> always been too lazy to try adnd fix it.
>>>>> Sasha
>>>> It works! Here is the solution to the mailing list @ gmail problem:
>>>> Assuming you have an email account with your ISP as well as the gmail
>>>> account, you need to set up your email client's SMTP server settings to
>>>> your ISP's SMTP server instead of gmail's smtp server. You can still
>>>> send email as "you" but instead of going through gmail's smtp
>>>> server its going through your isp's smtp server. The posts that you send
>>>> to the list will now come through on your email client (at least they do
>>>> on mine). If you need further help setting it up, just ask.
>>>> Hope this helps :)
>>>> Mike
>>> I actually stumbled across this solution because I have two computers
>>> that I regularly use. On my SuSE box, I use Thunderbird for my primary
>>> ISP email account and another gmail account which I use for several
>>> mailing lists. I noticed that I never had this problem with Thunderbird.
>>> I checked out my setup and realized that Thunderbird only allows (1)
>>> smtp server to be used, no matter how many pop3 accounts you have. Since
>>> I had Thunderbird setup to my primary ISP's SMTP server and I had no
>>> problems with my gmail posts to mailing lists with Thunderbird, I tried
>>> the same approach with Evolution on my Ubuntu box and it works. 
> I guess I have to try this...

Yep, this did the trick :)

- --
Jenda Vančura <jenda at>
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