Fwd: [GNU/FSF Press] Press release: FSF announces release of gNewSense 1.0

charlie derr cderr at simons-rock.edu
Wed Nov 8 20:42:19 GMT 2006

Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> Can I ask why we are still discussing this thread?  If the couple of you
> that will still like to discuss, do so in a forum or an email thread
> between the small group of you.
> Otherwise you are clogging up my email

Pardon me for adding to the content-less post count, but isn't this the list for discussions that are off-topic everywhere else? 
(if it's not, then I subscribed for the wrong reason I guess...)

It seems pretty trivial to either filter or ignore the posts you don't like.

(and, yes, I do find this an interesting topic, but I'd argue in favor of not trying to limit list contributions even if I didn't 
care about a particular topic)

	be well,

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