[GNU/FSF Press] Press release: FSF announces release of gNewSense 1.0

Robin Sonefors ozamosi at flukkost.nu
Mon Nov 6 22:00:59 GMT 2006

mån 2006-11-06 klockan 16:23 -0400 skrev Derek Broughton:
> OK, you gnome guys are going in a completely different direction from
> Kubuntu, then.  I've never come across anything that touched launchpad
> (though now that you mention it, I did remove gnome apps once the
> dependencies started including something like "launchpad-integration".  So
> maybe if they wanted an Ubuntu without Launchpad, they should have started
> with Kubuntu!  You can clearly _still_ use Ubuntu without launchpad.

I don't use Kubuntu, but I'm pretty sure this was added to edgy - it was in
at some point during development, anyway.

> Some developers will be dissatisfied about what _anybody_ does with their
> source.

My point exactly. This time, it happened to be you. ;)

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