I tried to upgrade to Edgy

Scott geekboy at angrykeyboarder.com
Wed Nov 1 08:48:19 GMT 2006

Jonathan Carter spake thusly on 10/30/2006 03:57 AM:
> On Mon, 2006-10-30 at 10:25 +0000, Edward Craig wrote:
>>> Heh. If I had dialup the *only* way I'd consider an upgrade is with a CD
>>> (ordered from shipit).
>> Actually, shipit isn't shipping Edgy, which is why I tried 19 hours
>> (actually took 41, but you expect a modem download to be considerately
>> lower than the 56K max)
> Unfortunately, even if you could get an Edgy CD from Shipit, you
> wouldn't be able to upgrade from it, since it's the Live CD + Live CD
> installer disc.

Actually you can. Just pop that bad boy in your optical drive and (if
you're not prompted graphically already) open a terminal and..

$ sudo apt-cdrom.

After that apt will now recognize that CD and the packages therein as a
source for packages. The fact that it's also a live CD doesn't matter.
The packages are still there.

Even so. I still say one should just bite the bullet back up needed
files from "~" and start anew.

	Scott              |            Ubuntu.
			   |	 Linux for (relatively
http://angrykeyboarder.com |  computer-savvy) Human Beings.

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