Making computers work

Matthew Garrett mjg59 at
Thu May 25 14:46:39 BST 2006

On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 11:33:36PM +1000, Alexander Jacob Tsykin wrote:
> On Thursday 25 May 2006 22:16, Matthew Garrett wrote:
> > Well, no. For instance, in the current case, nobody seems to have
> > reported problems with dapper. Should we implement workarounds in case
> > it reoccurs? As has been previously noted, these things aren't free.
> > Development of workarounds takes away time that could be put into other
> > parts of the project - and, often, fixing a given bug will take much
> > less time than implementing a user-friendly workaround.
> >
> It will take less time than making one checkbox wit a caption to explain it?

And testing it, and documenting it, and updating the screenshots, and 
having it translated, and dealing with the support overhead of people 
asking why ticking the checkbox makes their system fail - yes.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59 at

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