Jeff Waugh in the news
Senectus .
senectus at
Fri May 5 23:21:44 BST 2006
On 5/6/06, Tristan Wibberley <maihem at> wrote:
> Senectus . wrote:
> > On 5/5/06, Daniel Robitaille <robitaille at> wrote:
> >> "Waugh erupts over AU Ubuntu proposal"
> >>,2000061733,39255446,00.htm
> >>
> >>
> > bloody amazing how a level headed, logical opinion can be taken out of
> > context and misconstrued so that that it appears to be a "smack down"
> > from "Official Ubuntu Channels".
> >
> > When read in context with the other e-mail's it's nothing more than a
> > call for clear heads and focused energies.
> When read in the context of the news article I thought it was nothing
> more than a call for clear heads and focused energies.
Yeah but you can see how Zdnet have tried to sensationalize it, to
turn it into something newsworthy.
The headline :
"Waugh erupts over AU Ubuntu proposal"
Is pure Hyperbole for instance.
Ubuntu Dapper 6.06
The less you know, the more you believe. - Bono
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