Development, Community Involvment and Ubuntu Information (was Re: Alternative Init System)

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Fri Mar 3 00:28:24 GMT 2006

On vr, 2006-03-03 at 00:08 +0000, john levin wrote:

> JaneW's reports are one of the reasons I'm on that list, although I 
> think they're too focused and technical for general consumption (and 
> that's not their purpose).

True, someone should make a summary of them to be posted on the fridge
instead of the boring "JaneW sent a report" message. For the next
meeting I'm volunteering to do that.

> What's the drill with the Fridge then? The list is private, which
> makes conversation difficult. I applied to join, but got turned down.

fridge-devel@ is for talking to/submitting things to the fridge staff,
you don't need to join the list yourself (cc-ing them now).

Another thing I started a few days ago is making a bugfix-of-the-week*
report with the funniest, best or weirdest bugfixes of the week. I'll
send the first one to fridge-devel in a few days.

But we need much more attractive content for the fridge (the photostream
already does make it more attractive with the "Female Ubuntu logos" in
it ;)). So if you have ideas - don't be afraid!

Dennis K.
 - Linux for human beings -
 - Linux voor normale mensen -

* where week is defined as 'a period of 7 to 14 days' depending on how 
  much time I have and the amount of fixed bugs
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