ALSA, OSS and the pointless of switching to Pulse [Was: Paris summit]

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Tue Jun 27 12:11:49 BST 2006

<quote who="Paul Sladen">

> jdub reckons that PA is getting more usable now thought.[0]

> [0] I'm not a supporter of change for changes sack, especially if it's
> still in development that is going to lead to constant package churn.

The latest releases of PA have been compelling and stable enough to draw a
lot of interest from those who would have been sceptics a while back - the
reason there's so much interest is that it *creates value for users* if we
use it well. That's not change for change's sake.

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia 
     "A narcissist - every inch the preening, overconfident, studiously
    effete, ever-so-slightly detached rock star." - Anon. description of
                                 Tony Blair

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