Default soundcard bug (was Re: Microsofts new way of bashing Linux)

Alexander Jacob Tsykin stsykin at
Sun Jun 18 09:48:50 BST 2006

On Sunday 18 June 2006 13:12, Michael T. Richter wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-17-06 at 22:57 -0400, Lee Revell wrote:
> > Um, YOU are the one with the insulting tone.  We are trying to help.
> One of these highly irregular verbs, I see.  "I am trying to help.  You
> are insulting.  He is an asshole."
> Your (the personal "you" in this case) "help" to date has consisted of
> first denying that it's a problem at all, then justifying the problem as
> desirable and then loads of snark upon finding other people labelling
> this as a problem as well.  Your kind of help?  I can do without.  And
> will from this point onward.
Actually, I think that Lee's emails were the only ones which did not condemn 
you as a only a troll. While he acknowledged that you are a troll, becuase it 
is obvious to almost everybody, he acknowledged that you may have a point, 
that sound can be buggy in Ubuntu, which should be equally obvious 
considering what you;re telling us, in between the insults. See:

"While Michael's tone is certainly trollish, I think he may have a point
about the default soundcard selection being broken."

You should take care as to who you jump on. I remember last year, you got into 
an argument with almost everybody in the ubuntu-users list, and I defended 
you. Maybe you should remember that... Not everybody is against you, although 
you irritate almost everybody.


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