Microsofts new way of bashing Linux

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Sat Jun 17 19:41:43 BST 2006

On Fri, 16 Jun 2006 14:38:07 +0800
"Michael T. Richter" <ttmrichter at> wrote:

[Lee Revell wrote]

> > If this does not work it's a bug in that app and should be reported as
> > such.  Do you have bug ID#s?
> That doesn't ever get old either.  Which particular app should it be
> filed under (he asks again)?

Michael, if you aren't sure which package to file a bug for, just file it
as a general bug.

By default, the button for "I don't know" is checked. 

Or have you not looked at that page ?

I'm sure the developers will be able to work it out....

We look forward to your post, with a URL pointing to your bug report :)


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