Ubuntu mentioned on Slashdot article

Alexander Jacob Tsykin stsykin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 11:12:43 BST 2006

On Thursday 15 June 2006 18:30, Chanchao wrote:
> Your shoes, your clothes and your phone are not made in Australia. This
> is because nobody in Australia wants to make your shoes for the price
> you're prepared to pay for them.
> Your Ubuntu/computer support eventually may not come from Australia.
> This is because nobody in Australia wants to spend an hour on the phone
> with you for the price you're prepared to pay for it.
> See any difference there?
Actually most of our computer support comes from Australia, take it from 
somebody who lives here. There's quite a bit of legislation to prevent the 
outsourcing of services. Does it occur? Definitely. But it is not yet common.


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