Installing a compiler by default
Derek Broughton
news at
Fri Jun 9 14:23:13 BST 2006
Peter Garrett wrote:
> On Fri, 09 Jun 2006 13:38:50 +0200
> Jan Claeys <lists at> wrote:
> [snip]
>> Only experienced users should ever need a compiler...
> Right - and how do people become "experienced" ?
> By using things like compilers I guess...
> (Personal history: 4 years ago I couldn't use a compiler. Linux taught me
> how)
But gcc?? When you can save the world in Python? :-)
With all the arguments in favor, none of the others have actually been
for "using" the compiler directly. They've been, either explicitly or
implicitly, to the effect that '". configure; make; make install" will
never work without a compiler' and that's something that I want to avoid at
all costs. If I actually want to _program_, I use Python or Java, and a
wealth of python tools _are_ supplied with Ubuntu (though not, iirc, idle).
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