ethical ubuntu

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Tue Jun 6 00:18:33 BST 2006

On Mon, Jun 05, 2006 at 04:01:59PM +0100, Jack Wasey wrote:
> I'd like to invite comments on the new spec:
> "Ubuntu has a clear policy on using open and free standards. Making 
> installation of Skype and several other applications easy undermines this 
> policy. Some software or services have poor ethical reputations. The 
> purpose of this spec is to allow the user to make an informed decision 
> about what they install, and to offer free, open and ethical alternatives."

I disagree with the second sentence above, but your proposal is interesting
nonetheless.  I support the idea of providing the user with information
about the decisions we have made regarding specific software packages, and
the rationale for these decisions.

> I think Ubuntu should be thinking about more than opposition to 
> proprietary, closed-source software and protocols.

Ubuntu has never been about direct opposition; we support open source
software and open standards because they provide the freedoms that we feel
are important.  We pursue these freedoms by supporting open approaches, not
by opposing proprietary ones.

 - mdz

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