Spec for Edgy: Community Communication

Shawn McMahon smcmahon at eiv.com
Fri Jun 2 18:36:22 BST 2006

On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 10:02:43AM -0700, Daniel Robitaille said:
> maybe I'm old fashioned, but personally I'm just not confortable with
> the forum medium for discussions (in general, not just the ubuntu
> ones), and a mailing list fits a lot better in my daily workflow.

I think it might very well be an age thing.  Every time I try to make
myself start regularly checking a web page, in a few days I stop.  I
stay on mailing lists for many years.

Then again, maybe it's just my ADD.  Sometimes that cause me to... oh,
shiny!  What were we talking about?

   Shawn McMahon    | "I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
   EIV Consulting   | And now that I have some light, I can see the
 http://www.eiv.com | tunnel needs painting too." - Steve Jackson
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