A New User Experience

Lee Revell rlrevell at joe-job.com
Wed Jul 26 01:39:21 BST 2006

On Tue, 2006-07-25 at 23:59 +0100, Andrew Price wrote:
> What's missing from Ubuntu that would have let my brother-in-law
> install his modem and become just as keen a Ubuntu user as I am
> instead of giving up on it?

Well, you don't give enough information to be sure, but my guess would
be incomplete driver support.  The bug is that it did not Just Work with
his ADSL modem.

What type of ADSL modem is it?  The ones Verizon uses in the US
fortunately have a USB and an ethernet port and you're encouraged to use
the ethernet port.  But I've heard there are some providers where a USB
connection is the only option.


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