A New User Experience

Andrew Price andy at andrewprice.me.uk
Sun Jul 30 15:34:21 BST 2006

On 29/07/06 16:53, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> It sounds like he was probably installing an older version.  The current
> release, Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, prints instructions for running commands as root
> as the first line in any terminal which is opened in the desktop.

I have a feeling he was using 6.06 LTS but following instructions from a 
different source which wasn't Ubuntu-centric and probably used `su` to 
become root. He's so new to Linux systems that he wouldn't have known 
exactly what root access is, or in his words "session root". These may 
seem like simple concepts to us but to someone who isn't tech-educated 
and who has only been playing with a Linux system for a matter of hours 
it's all very confusing.

>> What's missing from Ubuntu that would have let my brother-in-law install 
>> his modem and become just as keen a Ubuntu user as I am instead of 
>> giving up on it?
> Isn't that the question you've asked him?  We can't answer it here.

It was sort of semi-rhetorical really. I thought a bit of discussion on 
the matter might be a good thing. Judging from the amount of input in 
this thread, it was :) I did ask him to email me the specifics about why 
he dumped Ubuntu for Suse, but now he's decided to stick with Ubuntu, 
there isn't much need for it.

Andy Price

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