sec=unclassified RE: To derive or not to derive... [Was: MEPIS may
be going Ubuntu]
Stoffers, Robert LAC
Robert.Stoffers at
Fri Feb 10 02:38:28 GMT 2006
> ...and just the satisfaction of making your own thing, your own way!
> Given that MEPIS is also a business, they will probably want to make brand
> changes, configuration changes and so on. They also ship some things that we
> can't / choose not to, which their users appreciate. Couldn't do a lot of
> that "in" Kubuntu, so there's ample reason to derive. Remember - lots of the
> stuff that our derivatives do will benefit Ubuntu, and developers of Ubuntu
> derivatives can always contribute *directly* into the main repository for
> things that are not uniquely their own - such as fixing bugs in a particular
> package, contributing new packages, generalising their own changes, etc.
I simply took MEPIS to be an open project rather then a company. If all MEPIS will be is a rebadged Kubuntu with win32codecs, dvd playback etc added in then I still wonder what the point of it is, Automatrix/EasyUbuntu for all my dislike of these projects already cover this base pretty easily. That said I agree that it will benefit Kubuntu either way, so rock on MEPIS!
-- Robert Stoffers
rob1 at
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