A bit of ranting about Ubuntu.com

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at kaarsemaker.net
Tue Feb 7 11:09:15 GMT 2006

On di, 2006-02-07 at 10:45 +0000, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> >
> > Triggered by the latest events on sounder I decided that it's time for
> > me to send in a little rant about the website. But be not afraid, it's
> > not just ranting, I'm trying to be helpful and propose solutions too.
> Hi Dennis and others,
> I agree that it's time the content and structure of the website was 
> reworked a bit. Much of the content is the same as it was when we 
> started out as a new project. At that time we had to explain what we 
> were all about, such as our relation to Debian. That information should 
> still be available but it doesn't have to be so central.

I know that and am glad you agree that it should be reworked.

> I agree that the Community section esp. should be improved, and 
> 'Developers' should probably be merged in there. It would be good to 
> find some representative graphics elements for the various sub-section 
> to make that page more inviting. It would be great to get community 
> assistance with this :)
> The website is now completely moin-based, which is handy because we can 
> develop pages in the open wiki and then paste them across. So, we could 
> start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWebSite :)

Aight :)
I'll have a few pokes at some pages. However, things like tabs and menus
are not editable by the community, so that should be done by you or
another web admin.

Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings: http://www.ubuntu.com
  - Linux voor iedereen:    http://www.ubuntu-nl.org
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