UITN: Ubuntu's Missing Batteries

Scott angrykeyboarder at angrykeyboarder.com
Thu Feb 2 10:36:06 GMT 2006

Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> On do, 2006-02-02 at 01:51 -0700, Scott wrote:
>> I'd really hoped an honest-to-god Ubuntu developer would have happened
>> upon Automatix by now, thought it a great concept, improved it as
>> needed and helped it land in the official archives.
> There currently are 2 unofficial projects creating separate
> implementations of such tools, both with safety as primary concern.

I wasn't aware of them.  Hopefully the authors are more mature and open 
to suggestion.

> The existence of automatix shows that there's a need for such a thing and
> that need should not be ignored. But automatix itself is broken beyond
> repair when it comes to safety.

I don't know that it shows a need by itself.  The resulting popularity 
of it is something else though.  BTW, one of the packages it 
automatically installs is Sun's JRE.  I'm not sure if the installation 
is allowed under Sun's licensing agreements.

The popularity relates to something I've been harping away at for eons. 
  Unless and until Linux becomes easy to use for the "average user" it 
will remain the OS for servers and geeks.

Linux for Human Beings*

*Human beings who (among other things) have somewhat above average 
computer aptitude, don't want to watch DVDs on their computer, don't 
think the trailers at http://www.apple.com/trailers/ are worthwhile, 
don't burn or  listen to mp3 or aac files, don't purchase DRM-protected 
music online, aren't interested in any of the video at sites such as 
cnn.com, yahoo.com, and mtv.com and don't mind getting the current 
version of Firefox months after it's released.

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