"Revolution OS" (The Movie).

chombee chombee at nerdshack.com
Mon Dec 18 16:59:59 GMT 2006

I think this RMS-bashing is a little off too. I felt that the second
half of that movie wasn't very good, they seemed to try to make RMS look
like a sort of comic has-been, and they focused an awful lot on the
value of the Linux stockmarket shares and that sort of thing. Kind of
missing the point. I wouldn't show the movie to people if I wanted to
advocate free software.

RMS and the FSF are crucial to the free software movement to this day. I
also fail to see in what way they are bad for free software. I feel that
a lot of people find RMS irritating because they would like him to be a
little less principled on this or that little detail, and focus more on
practicalities such as making money from free software at the cost of
its principles. But look at it from RMS's point of view. He is the
founder of the free software movement. If he had gone around all this
time saying 'It's okay to bend the principles of free software a little
bit here or there if it makes it easier to make money or get some task
done' then the free software movement would not be where it is today. By
always sticking to his principles, RMS has provided a sort of 'North
Star' (as I read it put somewhere) for those of us who are not able to
be so principled to always compare ourselves against, and work towards.
This is crucial. If all the leaders of the free software movement were
willing to compromise, we would have no direction. We would have failed
long ago.

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