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Master Cougar master.cougar at
Thu Dec 14 14:11:31 GMT 2006

On 12/14/06, Jan Claeys <lists at> wrote:
> Op donderdag 14-12-2006 om 08:00 uur [tijdzone -0200], schreef Hervé
> Fache:
> > Reminds me of Général de Gaulle saying "Vive le Québec libre" (Long
> > live free Quebec) when Canada was just managing to bring everybody
> > back together. Dangerous humour!
> I don't know the exact circumstances about de Gaulle's joke(?), but
> sometimes humour is the best way to make a point.   :-)

  It was not a joke, Damned de Gaulle was putting his damned nose into
Canadian politics. In a bout of idiocy he gave support to the Quebecois
separatist movement.  Imagine if Trudeau had gone to Belgium and proclaimed
"Vive la Waloonie libre!"

Marc de Puma
A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad
  - Daniel Webster
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