Seriously Impressive: Sun Java Studio Creator - Ubuntu'skiller app? (sec=unclassified)

Margaret & Simon simargaretmon at
Wed Dec 13 23:39:07 GMT 2006

Apologies in advance for whatever ad Yahoo sticks under this email. 

> Ok, so seriously, that was exactly what I meant: While
> Python-"the-language" is friendlier, having to do it ALL in
> vim/gedit/kate etc including gui layout, connecting to databases and
> web/applications servers, ajax etc makes it a near vertical learning
> curve, even though the language itself is easier to get into.     

You should look at the Django [] web framework.
You don't just have to create web applications with it, though, on account of
it being highly modular. It's now packaged for Ubuntu Feisty. I haven't tried the package, but I
was playing around with it under Dapper, and had no problems using the
version from SVN. Package would make it just that much easier. 

It takes all the complexity out of using a database. Really. It's so
intuitive that if you've already been programming Python for a little
while there's virtually no transition time.  And GUI layout is as
simple as learning some HTML. You could even use Nvu or similar, I
suppose to generate the basic layout. Take a quick read through the tutorial on the website and see if you agree. 

Also, don't forget that for writing GTK applications you've got visual interface builders like Glade and Gazpacho []. They let you create the GUI with (almost) drag-and-drop simplicity. Then you can import the .glade file using libglade and write up your callback functions with whatever text editor you prefer. 

Not saying any of this is any easier than SJSC. But certainly, all the pieces are there to make developing complex applications in Python just as simple as with any other IDE. 

> And is Java really that hard when it comes to the actual nuts and bolts
> of it...  If-then-else conditions, loops, etc.. not that different I
> think?  And when re-using existing objects/classes then it's completely
> the same when using the methods/variables defined for those objects.

I self-taught myself a bit of Java, then a fair amount of Python. Then picked up more Java and C post-grad. I find Python much easier to code in than Java. The syntax is easier, cleaner, and with lists and dictionaries as built in types doing simple data manipulation is much easier. When I am writing simple, University-level applications in Java I often wish I were writing them in Python instead. 

That being said, I didn't really get why you'd want to create classes in Python until after spending some time with Java. And the semantics and syntax of Python classes didn't really 'click' until after I learned C, and all the pointer manipulation that comes with it. 


----- Original Message ----
From: Chanchao <custom at>
To: Sounder <sounder at>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 December, 2006 3:59:44 PM
Subject: Re: Seriously Impressive: Sun Java Studio Creator - Ubuntu'skiller app? (sec=unclassified)

On Wed, 2006-12-13 at 15:42 +1100, Alexander Jacob Tsykin wrote:

> > This does raise another interesting question, what are people using when
> > developing such application with Python? Personally I am still just
> > using a combination of Vim and Gedit, what about you?
> I just use kate.


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