Ubuntu "Feisty Fawn" 7.04 alpha on ZD Net (sec=unclassified)

Stoffers, Robert LAC Robert.Stoffers at defence.gov.au
Tue Dec 12 00:34:32 GMT 2006

On 12/11/06, Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr> wrote:

> > http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=182
> I don't understand these supposedly technical/in-the-know 
> writers/journalists who dare to complain that things crash, when they 
> are testing an AL-PHA release ! Hell, they could have a point if they 
> tested the RC released, but hell, an alpha ! It really drives me
> Did they complain about the state of Windows Vista 4 years ago when it

> was alpha ? Grrrr....

I guess a lot of this stems from problems people have had in the past
with Dapper and Edgy *release versions*. The same journalists had a
field day reporting it and are after much of the same sensationalist
stories with Feisty.


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