Transparency, Community? (was Re: List-Id Changed why? )
Jeff Waugh
jdub at
Wed Aug 30 18:11:58 BST 2006
<quote who="Derek Broughton">
> > Please don't react so strongly to this - there are more important things
> > to focus on in the Ubuntu community. There is no stifling of discussion,
> > it is simply made clear that there are two lists for two purposes -
> No, it is NOT "simply made clear", and I'm as annoyed as Peter. Nobody
> consulted US, the users of this list. Instead, you unilaterally decided
> to change it. What the Ubuntu Community Council has to say about the
> lists is not relevant - they are an advisory body, and not the list
> community.
*voice from the past*
I just thought I should point out that the current description reflects our
original intentions with the lists: ubuntu-users for 'support', sounder for
chatter. It's my fault the description wasn't clear to begin with - I added
"discussion" only because it seemed stuffy and boring to say "user support"
alone (it sure wasn't meant to be an all-encompassing 'discussion' though).
Not sure there's much to get riled up about though - lists change as they
grow, and ubuntu-users was already way too busy for the average human being
12 months ago! :) Clarifying the purpose of the list staves off the impulse
to split it, avoiding a whole set of problems associated with attempting to
do that. At least the ubuntu-users / sounder split is nice and clear, with
the bonus of already being separate lists. ;-)
- Jeff
-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
We're kind of like Canada, only we hate ourselves more, and it's wetter
around the edges.
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