Software patents [Was:Re: Oracle intersted in buying Ubunutu]

Alexander Jacob Tsykin stsykin at
Thu Apr 20 16:16:40 BST 2006

On Friday 21 April 2006 01:00, Paul O'Malley wrote:
> Alexander Jacob Tsykin wrote:
> >How can ti stifle innovation? If all the established ideas are patented
> > you have to innovate. If anything, it encouraged innovation. What it does
> > not encourage is free software in general. But ultimately, this is not
> > the problem of the company. What you are saying is that somebody should
> > make less
> Hi,
> Before I start let me say this, I believe that this thread needs to die.
> I will not support or defend anything below, replying to it does not
> mean you win, there is no win in this situation. As I see it software
> patents are a government granted monopoly in the software space, and
> they have provide no economic good.
depends on the country. In some countries, most in fact, they do not function 
as they do int he USA. The concept is not flawed, it is the execution.
> Who found that, the FED in the US found that.
> Here is a rather long audio where the man from Microsoft got it wrong:
> At the end of the day, monopolies guard their space. They see that as
> their job.
> However walls to free and fair competition need to be minimised and this
> is one of those things.
I agree. But patents do not necessarily guarantee monopolies.
> If your right then we should extend the monopoly fully and fly the state
> flag over the door to every business and submit to a state monopoly! Ooh
> that business model does not work.
a) this is not what I said
b) even if you interpreted what I said in this direction, it qualifies 
perfectly under the header deductio ad absurdum.
> Mmm no I'm keeping the ball and going home, I have a patent on it.
> Anyone who tries to continue the game will have to pay an access fee of
> twice the level of the income they generate in their lifetime.
see above
> :-)
> Paul
Best wishes,


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