Firefox 1.0.x sunset announcement and Breezy

john levin john at
Sun Apr 16 23:51:50 BST 2006

Matthew East wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-04-16 at 23:57 +1000, Alexander Jacob Tsykin wrote:
>> On Sunday 16 April 2006 18:44, Matthew East wrote:
>>> On Sun, 2006-04-16 at 09:46 +0800, Jerome Gotangco wrote:
>>>> On 4/16/06, Alexander Jacob Tsykin <stsykin at> wrote:
>>>>> Chances are they'll continue to get security patches as necessary but
>>>>> that's about it.
>>>> That's correct.
>>> John's question was who is going to provide these security patches. It
>>> seems like Mozilla will not.
>>> ("These releases will include the final set of official security and
>>> stability updates for Firefox 1.0.x, Thunderbird 1.0.x and Mozilla Suite
>>> 1.7.x.")
>> The Ubuntu team presumably.
> Avoiding "presuming" was the whole point of John's question. I for one,
> like Lukas, find it quite hard to believe that it will be a productive
> use of the Ubuntu developers time to learn the intricacies of the
> firefox code, and write security patches for it.
> Matt

Again, yes - I - and I presume many others who use Hoary and Breezy - 
want to know who is going to take on this Augean task. And also, who is 
going to take on the task when Firefox 1.5 is no longer maintained by 
the Mozilla organization, given that Dapper is going to last 3 years on 
the desktop.

What really concerns me isn't that the 1.0 series has come to an end, 
but that this problem is going to continually arise for as long as there 
is an Ubuntu and a Firefox.


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