apps choice for Ubuntu and installation choices [Was: cross-platform virus]

Alan McKinnon alan at
Sat Apr 15 14:30:43 BST 2006

On Friday 14 April 2006 17:30, Jan Claeys wrote:
> Op wo, 12-04-2006 te 21:41 +1000, schreef Alexander Jacob Tsykin:
> > Gnucash would be useful to almost any body who owns their own
> > business
> Wrong, it's pretty useless for people owning their own business in
> Belgium, The Netherlands, probably many more EU countries and maybe
> also in several other countries around the world that require
> specific rules to be followed for accounting...

What kind of things would those be? Things like tax rates?

I know that here in South Africa bookkeepers need accounting software 
customized for this market. Without tax rules built in, they end up 
with a bunch of accounts & ledgers that balance and then have to work 
out all the tax stuff themselves. Which makes the package a whole lot 
less useful than it could be.

If only you and dead people understand hex, 
how many people understand hex?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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