cross-platform virus

Shawn McMahon smcmahon at
Mon Apr 10 21:46:15 BST 2006

On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 12:40:37AM +1000, Sasha Tsykin said:
> >
> it does not suit users of other Linuxes at all. When they use Ubuntu, 
> they find they can't do anything which requires root privileges (because 
> most of the time they have never even heard of sudo) and they just leave 
> it and say "isn't that a crap distro." This has to change.

Uhm, we're the number one distro now.  I don't think they're swarming
away from us in droves over this.  I think this is a case of Ubuntu
ships a default that doesn't suit Sasha Tsykin.  That's OK; it also
provides the tools to let you make it work your way, easily.

   Shawn McMahon    | Ubuntu: an ancient African word meaning "I am sick
   EIV Consulting   | of compiling Gentoo". |                       - Jeff Waugh (paraphrased)
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